Can You Pass An 11th Grade US History Final?

Question 1/12
Brown V. Board of Education served to reverse which court case?
Plessy V. Ferguson
Dred Scott V. Sanford
Roe V. Wade

Question 2/12
What is the 14th Amendment?
Citizenship for all those born in the US
The right for women to vote
Abolition of slavery

Question 3/12
In the Progressive Era what what was meant by "suffrage?"
The right for women to vote
The right for men who didn't own land to vote
The right for all US citizens to vote

Question 4/12
What era unequivocally demanded change, equality and reforms?
The Progressive Era
Westward Expansion
The Colonial Era

Question 5/12
The artistic movement that took place in the black community was known as what?
The Harlem Revival
The Harlem Renaissance
The Greenwich Uprising

Question 6/12
This amendment abolished (outlawed) slavery.
13th amendment
15th amendment
11th amendment

Question 7/12
Which Enlightened thinker believed that everyone is born with god given rights. “Life, Liberty and Property?"
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Thomas Jefferson

Question 8/12
After the Civil War, agriculture in the south was....
Dominated by cotton
Dominated by tobacco
Dominated by whet

Question 9/12
How did Theodore Roosevelt become president?
President McKinley was assassinated.
President Wilson was assassinated.
President Coolidge was assassinated.

Question 10/12
The Great Gatsby was written by what author?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
J.D. Salinger

Question 11/12
Where did many bootleggers smuggle alcohol into the U.S. from?
All of the above

Question 12/12
This President ordered the dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Japan.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Woodrow Wilson
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you'd be able to pass an 11th grade history final today. While you know the basics well, you're not well versed on the more intricate moments in American history just yet. Worry not, we know you'll get your facts straight soon!

C+, 11th Grade History Fail
Congratulations! You could still easily pass an 11th grade history final today! Though you might have struggled with a question or two on this tricky test, you proved yourself to be a true wealth of knowledge when it comes to US history. We're impressed!

B+, 11th Grade History Pass
Not only would you pass an 11th grade history final with ease, but you'd earn perfect marks! You understand the importance of US history and learning about the roots of the nation you call home. You're a true history buff with a mind for dates, eras, and conflicts! Well done!

A+, 11th Grade History Perfect
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How would your history knowledge stack up against an 11th grader? It's time to find out! Take this trivia quiz and discover if you could still pass an 11th grade US history final today. The results might just shock you!
Brown V. Board of Education served to reverse which court case?
Plessy V. Ferguson
Dred Scott V. Sanford
Roe V. Wade
What is the 14th Amendment?
Citizenship for all those born in the US
The right for women to vote
Abolition of slavery
In the Progressive Era what what was meant by "suffrage?"
The right for women to vote
The right for men who didn't own land to vote
The right for all US citizens to vote
What era unequivocally demanded change, equality and reforms?
The Progressive Era
Westward Expansion
The Colonial Era
The artistic movement that took place in the black community was known as what?
The Harlem Revival
The Harlem Renaissance
The Greenwich Uprising
This amendment abolished (outlawed) slavery.
13th amendment
15th amendment
11th amendment
Which Enlightened thinker believed that everyone is born with god given rights. “Life, Liberty and Property?"
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Thomas Jefferson
After the Civil War, agriculture in the south was....
Dominated by cotton
Dominated by tobacco
Dominated by whet
How did Theodore Roosevelt become president?
President McKinley was assassinated.
President Wilson was assassinated.
President Coolidge was assassinated.
The Great Gatsby was written by what author?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
J.D. Salinger
Where did many bootleggers smuggle alcohol into the U.S. from?
All of the above
This President ordered the dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Japan.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Woodrow Wilson