It's time to find out once and for all just how New Jersey you really are! Whether you're Jersey proud or Jersey petrified, it's time to find out what percent New Jersey you just might be. Are you ready for the results of this New Jersey personality quiz? Let's find out!

Question 1/10
Do you have strong opinions regarding pizza?
I'm not sure
Question 2/10
Do you know what pork roll is?
Who doesn't?
I think I do!
I have no idea!
Question 3/10
Which musician are you most likely to listen to?
Bruce Springsteen
Jon Bon Jovi
Tom Petty
Billy Joel
James Taylor
Question 4/10
What's your worst driving habit?
Cutting people off
Not using a turn signal
Driving too cautiously
Question 5/10
Which bagel flavor reigns supreme?
Poppy seed
Cinnamon Raisin
Question 6/10
What's your favorite activity?
Going to the gym
Watching TV
Question 7/10
Which part of New Jersey is the best part?
Northern Jesey
Southern Jersey
Central Jersey
None of them
Question 8/10
How many times have you pumped your own gas?
I've never pumped my own gas
I've done it a few times
I always pump my own gas
Question 9/10
Which mall food chain is your favorite?
Nathan's Famous
Panda Express
Cold Stone Creamery
Question 10/10
Where do you like to grab a quick bite to eat?
A diner
A fast food chain
A gas station
A deli
A coffee shop
You are 100% New Jersey! Your New Jersey pride runs deep and your willing to do anything to defend that pride. No one dare say a negative thing about your precious New Jersey! You're highly extroverted, talkative, and outgoing. You tend to say what's on your mind without censorship or holding back!
100% New Jersey
You are 75% New Jersey! You're Jersey strong and proud! You love this great state and everything it stands for. You're a bold personality who loves to do things on your own terms. You're outspoken, audacious, and always willing to stand up for what you believe in. We can almost always find you at the Jersey Shore or hitting up a local deli or hotspot.
75% New Jersey
You are 50% New Jersey! On any given weekend, we could likely find you hitting the beach, going shopping, or trying out a new restaurant. You love to life life to the fullest without worry over the future. You might not be 100% Jersey, but you're still Jersey proud.
50% New Jersey
You're 30% New Jersey! Unfortunately, you and this seaside state don't see eye to eye. You're a quiet intellectual individual who prefers to think things through rather than acting on impulse. You love nature and dealing in small groups of people, rather than large crowds!
30% New Jersey
You are 10% New Jersey! You and this northeastern state are two total opposites. Though you might like to hit the beach every now and then, you don't share values in line with this bold and confident state. In fact, you can think of at least 12 different reasons why you and this state are as different as they come!
10% New Jersey