If your high school self were to live anywhere in the USA today, where would you live? Would you be beach bound or headed straight for a big city? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!
Question 1/10
How much did you like high school, on a scale of 1-5.
1- it was awful
5- It was awesome
Question 2/10
How did you spend your weekends in high school?
Playing video games
Playing sports
Question 3/10
What was your first car like?
It was my parent's old car.
It was a beater I bought with my after school job.
It was a brand new car.
I didn't have a car.
Question 4/10
Who did you go to prom with?
My girlfriend/boyfriend
I went stag
A big group of friends
A casual date
I didn't go to prom
Question 5/10
What did you eat for lunch in high school?
Cafeteria food
A packed lunch
Whatever my friends were having
I snuck off campus
Question 6/10
What were your grades like?
Straight A's
Mostly B's and C's
C's and D's
Mostly F's
Question 7/10
How many times did you get detention?
At least once
Every week
A handful of times
Question 8/10
If you could go back to high school and do it over, would you?
In a heart beat!
Nope, you couldn't pay me.
Maybe, it depends.
Question 9/10
What did you do after high school?
Started working
Went to college
Bummed around for a bit
Chased my dreams
Question 10/10
What was your dating life like?
I had a serious boyfriend or girlfriend
I didn't date anyone
I went through a lot of dates
Prefer not to answer
If your high school self were to live anywhere in the USA, it would be California! High school you was a total free spirit who just wanted a bit of freedom. You probably dreamed of a relaxed west coast surfer way of life, one without early wake up times and 9 to 5 work days!
If your high school self were to live anywhere in the USA, it would be Florida! High school you was a bit of a slacker who just wanted to hang out with friends and have a good time. You weren't big on work and much preferred a day at the beach to one spent inside the classroom.
If your high school self were to live anywhere in the USA, it would be in New York! High school you was a total go getter who had big dreams and ambitions. You always believed you could do anything so long as you could break out of your small town and make it in the big city!
New York
If your high school self were to live anywhere in the USA, it would be Washington! High school you was smart, creative, and totally laid back. You were committed to doing well in school and weren't overly concerned with popularity. You lived a quiet life with just a few close friends and the love of your family.
If your high school self were to live anywhere, it would be Hawaii! Okay, so you were a total social butterfly who loved to have a good time, try new things, and live with spontaneity. You never wanted a boring life where each day looked the same. Instead, you craved excitement, beauty, and the type of life only an island can bring!