Every state has a motto that embodies exactly what that state stands for. The question is, which state motto are you really? Embark on this 10 question personality quiz and find out who you really are!

Question 1/10

When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?
My scandalous relationships
My career
The tough times I endured
My crazy adventures with friends
My many travels
Question 2/10

If your job gave you a surprise three day paid break to rest and recuperate, what would you do with those three days?
I'd sleep, rest, repeat
I'd binge watch a few TV shows
I'd book a quick getaway
I'd visit with family
I'd read, cook, and work on a hobby
Question 3/10

Where do you get your news?
The newspaper
Social media
The TV
The internet
From friends and family
Question 4/10

What’s something that will always be in fashion?
Being kind
Working hard
Doing the right thing
Connecting with others
Trying new things
Question 5/10

What was the last photo you took?
A selfie
A photo of my pet
A landscape photo
A photo of my food
A photo of my friends or family
Question 6/10

What are you currently worried about?
I'm not worried about anything
The future
Question 7/10

How do you judge a person?
Based on body language
Based on actions
Based on how they look
Based on work ethic
A combination of all
Question 8/10

If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?
Morgan Freeman
Ellen DeGeneres
Matthew McConaughey
Meryl Streep
George Clooney
Question 9/10

What did you Google last?
Question 10/10

What animal is the most majestic?
Grizzly bear
The State motto that you’re most like is “Ever Upward!” As the official saying of New York, this motto personifies your unique ability to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and meet every challenge head one. Sure, life’s not always a walk in the park, but with the right attitude, you’ll always be on the way up!
Ever Upward!

The state motto that you’re most like is “Hard work conquers all things!” As the official motto of Oklahoma, this saying personifies your signature believe that it is through hard work and perseverance that anything can be accomplished. You don’t believe in luck, you believe in giving something your all and seeing things through to the very end.
Hard Work Conquers All Things

The state motto that you’re most like is, “While I breathe, I hope!” As the official motto of South Carolina, this saying personifies your optimism and perseverance. You’ve never been a quitter, nor have you been one to look at things from a viewpoint of pessimism. You’re a glass half full kind of person with a hope that others can’t help but find inspiration in!
When I Breathe I Hope

The state motto that you’re most like is “Friendship!” As the official motto of Texas, this saying personifies what you believe to be the most important thing in this world. You’re a loyal giving friend who would do absolutely anything for those you love. You believe that strong friendships and connections are the building blocks of a well lived life.

The state motto that you’re most like is, “I long to see what is beyond!” As the official motto of Minnesota, this saying personifies your curiosity and sense of adventure. You’ve always been a seeker with a deep love of trying new things, forging new paths, and going where you’ve never gone before. We admire your spirit and tenacity.
I Long To See What Is Beyond
